Baha’i Disunity

For all its talk about unity, there’s some real divisiveness going on in Baha’i.

Examples of Baha’i attitudes:

1. we’re good, you’re not so you get sanctioned+stigmatized+embarrassed half to death over your misdeeds

2. you’re deluded by believing wrong things such as Hinduism, Christianity, atheism, or Buddhism (etc.) but we’ll consort with you in joy and fragrance… in hopes of having you convert to Baha’i

3. they’re ignorant and in need of education

For the first 10 years after leaving Baha’i I believed that the mere having of a label like “Baha’i” was divisive because some people have the label and others don’t. So I continued to believe in God but didn’t want to use any labels for my belief.

And of course, they believe there’s only one Baha’i Faith when we know there have been many divisions along the way thanks to the Baha’i habit of discarding and disenfranchising members and calling them covenant breakers. Some of those people still believed that Baha’u’llah was God’s messenger and they responded by starting their own branches of Baha’i.

Aside from all that there’s the incredible history of disunity in the family of Baha’u’llah starting with his feud with his half-brother who was the intended and appointed successor to the Bab. Then there was ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s falling out with his half-brothers including the one who was appointed to succeed him as a secondary successor to Baha’u’llah. Next generation there was Shoghi Effendi’s excommunication of the rest of the family members including children and grandchildren of ‘Abdu’l-Baha. One cannot fathom the depth of family disunity in this religion that proclaims it is all about unity, unity, unity.

On top of that, there’s a high divorce rate amongst Baha’is.

There’s no unity in Baha’i.

Don’t deceive yourselves to believe in something that’s not true.

I'm a former Baha'i; now a Christian.

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“Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.” (Colossians 2:8)

I lost thirty years of my life to the Baha’i cult. I hope that won’t happen to you.

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